Community resources

Here are some resources from organisations and charities that can support your health and wellbeing

Carers Support 

A carer is someone who provides unpaid help and support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help. 

The person you care for could be either an adult or child, with: 

  • A medical or long-term condition 
  • A physical or learning disability 
  • Sensory impairment 
  • Dementia 
  • A mental health condition 
  • Substance dependency 

For many being a carer is rewarding with many positive aspects.  However, at the practice we recognise being a carer can also leave you needing support. Identifying yourself as a carer is key to accessing the support, advice and information you need. 

Healthy Caring Guide:  

NHS UK: A guide for people who have care and support needs, their carers, and people who are planning their future care needs:  

Carers Network: Advice, information and support for carers over the age of 18 who look after an adult living in Westminster.  They can complete a Carers Assessment with you and help you apply for Carers Personal Budget if eligible. 

Camden Carers Service: Advice, information and support for carers over the age of 18 who live in Camden or look after an adult living in Camden. 

People first: Council run and funded, the site provides information on private, voluntary and public sector services for older adults, people living with disabilities and carers in Westminster:  

Westminster City Council: Information and advice about care and support in Westminster: :  

Camden Care Choices: Information and advice about care and support for adults in Camden: 

Childhood and Teenage Mental Health 

While it is commonly believed that depression only effects adults, around 10% of children in Great Britain aged between 5 and 16 have a recognisable mental disorder; with about 4% of children suffering from an emotional disorder such as anxiety or depression. 

The problem for many is that depression is difficult to spot and often regarded as teenage mood swings. However, if your child is appearing to have an extreme emotional response to a life event or has lost interest in activities which previously interested them they may be suffering from an emotional disorder. 

If you are worried about your child’s mental health please visit your GP, who will be able to offer a range of support to help both you and your child. There are a range of talking therapies which are highly effective in dealing with both short term and long term depression, for more information on these therapies please view the NHS Talking Therapy Guide. 

Useful links 

  • Barnardo’s Mental Health Support for children and adolescents 
  • Mind- Mental Health Charity 
  • Sane – Mental Health Support 
  • Rethink Mental Illness 
  • Kooth (11 – 18 year olds)